Ironing is one of my least favorite domestic tasks and I had hoped that going green might get me out of this much dreaded household chore. I considered simply not ironing, but realized after a short experiment in ironing abstinence, that I looked too unkempt to continue on in that manner.
Short of replacing 75% of my working wardrobe, I would simply have to fire up the iron and press on… (pun intended).
If iron I must, I decided to do some research to see if there was a more eco-friendly way to accomplish the tedious task.
One article I found instructed that one should, “collect as many pieces as you can to press at the same time.” As indicated by the photo, I could check this pointer off my list! The author also suggested that, “While the iron is heating up, press the thinner clothes that require less heat first. When the iron is hot, press the more difficult ones. If you have thinner items again you can turn off and unplug the iron and press the clothes that need less heat again to end.” These sounded like wise words.
A typical steam iron uses between 1000 and 1700 Watts/hr. According to another insightful blogger, there was an additional trick of the trade I needed to employ. The blogger advised, “to reduce ironing time and save energy, put foil under the ironing board cover. This will reflect heat up on the clothes as you iron.”
I tried this, and noticed that it did help get the stubborn wrinkles out more readily.
Do you have any green ironing insights to share? If so, please add your comments below!
Great tips! I hadn't even thought about pressing the lighter clothes while the iron heats up - definitely something I am going to start doing now!