Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Garden of Resolutions for 2011

Happy New Year!

The holidays flew by just as quickly as 2010! In the last week of the year, I was able to spend time with family and friends and craft 2011 New Year’s resolutions.

During a visit with my Aunt Sallie, she shared a book received as a gift from her daughter Melanie that features Mel’s husband Aaron. Aaron and Mel live in Missoula, Montana where Aaron works as the Director of Development for the Missoula YMCA. This brilliant and dedicated young couple is admirable for so many reasons, but Aarons work with the YMCA and the Missoula Food Bank is truly inspirational. He has made great strides teaching people to grow their own food. In addition, he has managed to help incorporate this local fresh food supply into the Food Bank to support healthy and nutritional local food options for Food Bank recipients. The book he is featured in is called Growing A Garden City by Jeremy Smith.

In the travels to and from family visits, our carload of happy wanderers brainstormed 2011 resolution ideas. My son, who is a talented young creative spirit, resolved to work on his painting skills. My daughter wants to climb more trees and plant and care for a garden. Maybe Aaron can share some of his insight with us as we work out a plan for our garden this year!

If you have any resolutions to make the world a better place, please share them as comments to this blog.